Warm Wishes for the New Year

This has been quite a year. We bought a house. Was a part of so many incredible projects throughout the year, moving my career forward in teaching at The Baltimore School for the Arts, and with HAIR CLUB, expanding the conversation internationally in Berlin, continuing to work with and support the incredible space of Baltimore Print Studios, making new prints and teaching workshops. I learned how to make an animation, I created my first mid-scale pool installation, I hopped onto the incredible creative team for "SEAGULL" and Ed Schrader's Music Beat, I had my first book accepted for publication with Meekling Press (Chicago, IL), and I painted this fake fireplace.
!!!!!!!!!!!!! So many reasons for exclamation !!!!!!!!!!
In 2019 we look toward more home improvements, more writing, more printmaking, more projects for FUZZYMUZZLE, more growth, more design, more color, more lipstick, and more dancing.